Stud farms

Invest in the equestrian world

Buying a stud farm: a Passion Project

Unquestionably dynamic and greatly varied in France, the equestrian sector offers great investment opportunities, but can also be a passion purchase. Arousing ever increasing interest, horse riding has become a favorite sport. So much so that owning a stud farm can open up considerable opportunities for you.

The stud farm is very different from the traditional equestrian center, by its function, but also by its location. It must indeed accommodate key moments in equestrian life, mating as well as breeding. The space here must therefore be large enough to accommodate complex infrastructures, accessible to horses during their development and training. Likewise, the quality of the soil is essential. On this depends the nutritional quality that foals can enjoy during their growth. The land must also allow you to expand and / or secure your facilities. It should therefore not be located in a region liable to flooding and / or subject to too many geological risks.

How to choose the right stud?

To ensure the sustainability of your stud farm and your investment, it is generally advisable to acquire such a property, when it is located on the outskirts of a city. This allows you to benefit from excellent influence in the agglomeration and to attract ever expanding numbers of equestrian enthusiasts and riders eager to indulge their passion. Some regions are also more suitable than others for the establishment of a stud. This is the case of Upper and Lower Normandy for example, both known to be extensive breeding regions.

Lower Normandy is, in fact, traditionally the empire of the horse. Renowned for its exceptional rearing of all breeds, it alone accounts for 15% of the French equine workforce. It is moreover on these lands that the major events of the equestrian world are most often organized, the 2014 World Games in Caen, for example.

In Upper Normandy too, the horse is at the heart of the region’s economic activity. Just like in Île-de-France, where horse riding is king and very popular with the general public.  There are numerous equestrian centers and even exceptional stud farms situated in the region, which allow many to practice equestrian sports.

On the coast, in Vendée and in the Manche department, the acquisition of a stud is also synonymous with potential investment. In addition to enjoying a pleasant and temperate environment, the location of these stud farms is very prestigious and geared largely towards tourism. The growth and development of your acquisition is fully assured here.

Finally, the climate is one of the secondary criteria that should not be overlooked when making this type of purchase. Horses must be able to withstand winter and summer temperatures during their stay at the stud. The latter must therefore not constitute a danger to their health. This is why some regions (such as those presented above) are more suitable than others for the creation or purchase of such real estate.